Download the new LCPS app today! Las Cruces School District has launched a new mobile app that helps students, parents, and community members know what is happening on campus, right from their phones. We know that families are using smartphones as a primary means to communicate. That’s why we’ve created an app that is custom-built for mobile. On the app, you can find documents, contact information for staff, and event information. You can download the app for free from the Apple App Store or Google Play. Three Main Benefits: 1) Know what’s going on at school. Ex: Find real-time updates from the website’s live feed about stories happening inside the classroom or in the art studio. 2) Connect with teachers and administrators. Ex: Learn about parent-teacher conferences, access staff contact information, and quickly find out about district news. 3) Stay up-to-date with school information. Ex: Receive updates about events occurring on campus, documents, required forms, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
The new LCPS app
Family Event
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Sea fresco y vacune a su hijo a tiempo para la escuela. Las inmunizaciones se llevarán a cabo en la Oficina de Salud Pública del Condado de Dona Ana 1170 N. Solano, Las Cruces NM 88001. No se necesita cita del 18 al 22 de julio. -11am y 1-3:30pm. 1, 8, 15 y 29 de julio, de 9 a 11 a. m. y de 1 a 3:30 p. m. Llame para hacer una cita los demás días (575) 528-5006. Haga clic aquí para más información:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
Immunization Spanish Flyer
Be cool and immunize your child in time for school. Immunization shots are happening at the Dona Ana County Public Health Office 1170 N. Solano, Las Cruces NM 88001. No appointment needed July 18 through July 22. Limited walk in appointments also available on: June 3,10, 17 and 24, from 9-11am and 1-3:30 pm. July 1, 8, 15 and 29, from 9-11am and 1-3:30pm Call for appointment on all other days (575) 528-5006. Click here for more information:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
DEPICT Summer Program for HS students starts June 6-17. Interested in doing more with Creative Writing, Performance Arts, and Computer Science? Join the DEPICT team and be the creator of new technologies! Applicants must be rising into 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade, submit an online application, be in good academic standing, and able to attend camp every day. Preference will be given to student who took creative writing this school year at Las Cruces and Organ Mountains High School. This camp provides a broad foundation for computer science, to empower our area high school students in CS and computational thinking. This camp is not geared towards advanced students in computer science. Summer stipends ($$$) will be provided to accepted participants, who attend camp every day and participate in the camp activities. Lunch and all supplies will be provided. Camp starts June 6-17, 2022, Monday - Friday 10am-3 pm (times may change slightly). Sign up here:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
DEPICT Summer Program for HS students
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics son los materiales de instrucción para apoyar la instrucción de matemáticas en la escuela primaria. ¡Nos complace compartir que su estudiante puede continuar accediendo a los componentes en línea durante el mes de junio! ¡Hemos visto un crecimiento increíble de los estudiantes que trabajan en su pase de instrucción personalizada solo de 30 a 49 minutos por semana! ¡Su estudiante puede continuar aprendiendo durante el verano con lecciones i-Ready y juegos de aprendizaje! La instrucción personalizada de i-Ready proporciona a los estudiantes lecciones basadas en su nivel de habilidad y necesidades individuales, para que puedan aprender al ritmo que sea adecuado para ellos. Estas lecciones son divertidas e interactivas para mantener a su estudiante interesado mientras aprende. Los juegos de aprendizaje para matemáticas permiten a los estudiantes practicar matemáticas de manera divertida y atractiva, ayudándolos a desarrollar una visión positiva de las matemáticas. Haga clic aquí para más información:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
i-ready summer learning
i-Ready Classroom Mathematics are the instructional materials to support math instruction in elementary. We are excited to share that your student can continue to access the online components through the month of June! We’ve seen amazing growth from students who work on their Personalized Instruction pass just 30-49 minutes per week! Your student can continue learning during the summer with i-Ready lessons and Learning Games! i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so they can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. Learning Games for Mathematics allow students to practice math in fun and engaging ways, helping them develop a positive view of math. Click here for more information:
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
i-ready summer learning
Trivia Night to help LCPS teachers is set for Wednesday, June 8 at the Game II beginning at 6:30 p.m. Trivia will be on the patio so dress appropriately. Come defend your title, redeem yourselves or join in the fun for the first time! Teams consist of 4 members for a fee of $55. You may register more than one team at a time. All team members will be registered under the name of the person who completes this process. Register your team here: or text TriviaJune to 44321. For questions, contact Michael at 575-640-1923 or send an email to Click here to download flyer and register: All proceeds support $100 to supply mini-grants for LCPS teachers.
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
Summer Trivia
FYI Mesilla Families!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Thank you to Mesilla Fire Department for making our annual Water Day so much fun!!!!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
 water day
PMG Summer Hours and Test to Stay - Beginning Thursday, May 26th, PMG will be operating drive through locations at LCHS, MHS and OMHS from 7a-6p. They will be open May 26th and 27th, closed 30th and 31st for Memorial Day and open back up for students and staff and those participating in ELT, ESY and High School Summer School at LCHS, MHS, OMHS from June 1-30th. There will be NO TEST TO STAY the last day of school, Wednesday, May 25th. There WILL BE Test to Stay available during ELT, ESY and High School Summer School.
over 2 years ago, Las Cruces Public Schools
Free Covid-19 Testing Site
Glasses in our lost and found!!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Attention Families! Please help us return these lost items that no one has claimed in our Lost & Found! Talk to your kiddo about picking up any items you recognize! All unclaimed items will be donated on May 26!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Congratulations to these amazing graduates! Thank you for attending our Mesilla Elementary Grad Walk!
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Mesilla Families - it's not too late to sign up! Current Kinder - 5th grade students are eligible to join.
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Summer Program
❤️ Best Staff EVER! ❤️
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Mesilla Elementary’s Grad Walk is tomorrow at 9:00 a.m.
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
grad walk
CHS Football Camp
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
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LCHS Football Camp Info
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
FYI Mesilla Families: End date has been changed to July 13th.
over 2 years ago, Lisa Wilson
Summer Rec